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Embrace Control Solution
Want to make sure your Embrace-brand glucose meter and test strips are working like they should? You’ll need Embrace Control Solution. Designed specifically for use with Embrace products, this solution contains a known amount of glucose - allowing you to check just how close your meter’s readings are to reality.
This product consists of a single 2.5 ml bottle of Embrace Control Solution, Low.
- For use only with Embrace blood glucose meters
- Do not use if expired
- Do not freeze
Contains: One control solution bottle, 2.5 ml
Before you begin control solution testing with your Embrace blood glucose meter, check your bottle to determine whether it contains Low or High control solution. Based on this, your meter will need to be set to “L1” for Low or “L2” for High. Once this has been done, shake your control solution bottle and squeeze two drops of control solution onto a clean glass or plastic plate. Immediately put the cap back on the control solution bottle.
Then, take out a test strip and insert it into your meter. When the meter turns on, use the bottom or top button to set it to the correct setting, as detailed in the user manual. Place the tip of the test strip into the control solution. Compare your results to the control solution range that appears on your test strip vial; if it is out of range, consult your manual for troubleshooting.
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Other Embrace-brand blood glucose testing products carried by US MED® include the Embrace Glucose Meter and Embrace Test Strips. Both products are compatible with Embrace Control Solution.
Frequently Asked Questions
This solution allows you to test the accuracy of your Embrace-brand glucose meter. It contains a predetermined amount of glucose for your meter to measure.
You do. Meters should be tested every time you open a new test strip vial, if your meter’s results are unusually high or low, or if your meter/strips have been in potentially hazardous conditions.
You should not use control solution that has passed its expiration date or has been open for more than 90 days.

Medical Review by Shirley DeLeon, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist

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