Chicken Recipes

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Grilled Chicken and Tomato Skewers (Low-Sodium)When people think about eating healthy, they often picture bland grilled chicken on a bed of dry lettuce. While plain old grilled chicken day after day is certainly boring, eating a healthy dinner doesn’t have to be.
Lime Pulled Chicken Tostadas With ColeslawThis recipe utilizes a technique for poaching chicken, to keep it juicy and tender. The shredded chicken is then lightly dressed with lime juice and olive oil, and further enhanced by the lively flavors and crunchiness of the coleslaw. Tostadas are served like open-face sandwiches and are eaten out of hand. They can be a little messy, so serve them with plenty of napkins. Source:Very Well Fit
Chicken YakitoriSpark up the grill! These delicious Japanese-style bites of chicken speared with green bell pepper and scallions can be assembled in advance and then grilled just before serving. For the best flavor, leave the chicken to marinate for several hours or overnight, and remember to soak the skewers first so they do not burn under the grill.
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