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Medical Reviews by Chef Robert Lewis
The Happy Diabetic®

Professional Chef, Author, and Speaker

Growing up in Los Angeles offered a culinary experience I will always cherish. Family cooks and guests in my home were experts in preparing Jewish, Mexican, Middle and Far Eastern as well as traditional dishes, which gave me a love for food and the creative outlet it provided.

After graduating from the prestigious Culinary Institute of America in 1976, I continued to expand on my love for food and cooking.

In 1998 I was diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes. Much of what I heard in those early days was about the foods that were prohibited. I suspected that my days of good eating were over; yet as I worked through my ups and downs, I came to realize and learned that the selection of foods I could and should eat was vast and included many of my favorites. This motivated me to attempt to create delicious, diabetic-friendly dishes that were also easy to prepare.

As a nationally recognized author, public speaker and spokesperson for all people affected with diabetes, I now travel the country speaking on the benefits of healthy eating not only for people affected with diabetes, but also for anyone who would like to eat well and live a healthy and happy lifestyle.

With my focus on healthy cuisine, I have learned to manage my diabetes and live my best happy diabetic life. In addition I have had the pleasure of working with Al Roker, Ben Vereen, Richard Simmons, Ann Curry, Indy car racer Charlie Kimble, The Amazing Race Winner Nat Strand, Lee Iacocca and Dr. Steve Edelman founder of Taking Control of Your Diabetes, just to name a few. In addition to all that, I have written 3 different cookbooks my mother says “are the best cookbooks ever written.

My goal is to live happy and healthy and to create recipes that celebrate great-tasting food that both diabetics and non-diabetics can enjoy. My cookbooks are filled with tips, tidbits and humorous anecdotes that I hope will make cooking fun! You are not what you eat, you are how much you eat!
So good luck, and happy cooking!

Chef Robert Lewis,
The Happy Diabetic ®
